In this blog, to those who want buy a cosplay costume, I'm also planning services we buy costumes instead of everybody.

It isn't known in foreign countries, in the cosplay costume, there are those made officially recognized.
Official cosplay is the official costume made ​​with permission from the original animation, comics and light novel, etc.
In addition to the official costume, there are also high-quality costume cosplayers have created original fan for their honor and soul.
When you participate in events and parties, cheap cosplay and low-quality cosplay costume is ridiculed from the surroundings. And cheap cosplay is bad photogenic, not to celebrate.
This story should be able to understand if you have experienced cosplayers participated in events and parties if even once.

There are many cheap cosplay shop already.
In this blog, we will introduce the official costume or high-quality, good-looking, photogenic best cosplay costumes.

Please look forward to.
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